Open Studios at Bristol Textile Quarter
September 30th 2023 11am-4pm
1a Barton Road, Bristol BS2 0LF, UK
Bristol Textile Quarter, Jacky Puzey Embroidery Ltd, Southwest England Fibreshed and UpstarterIncubator are coming together to create an Open Studio event to showcase the best in textile art and design in Bristol.
Open Studios at the Bristol Textile Quarter Building will bring together textile art, couture woven textiles, cutting edge embroidery and knitwear design, slow fashion, and a film about regenerative textile practices and production.
The Open Studios will be a fantastic opportunity to engage and connect with a community of makers, artists and designers working in textile, fashion and creative industries and see exciting new work, from bespoke commissioned textile art to fully regenerative woven cloths.
Bristol Textile Quarter, a fully equipped membership textile studio, will showcase both current members and alumni, including published knitwear designers Amber Hards and Ria Burns, Textile designer Rheanna Tara, Slow fashion by Perosa Designs and Ruth Groundwater. BTQ’s own Lizzie Everard, aka TheBettySilk of Sewing Bee fame, will also be showing some of her recent work and chatting about her Sewing Bee experiences. Artist & visible mender Dusta will be joining MeetMakeMend, BTQ’s visible mending workshop in conjunction with Sustainable Fashion Week and will be bringing her Oxford Vintage Dress Project! Throughout the day there will be studio tours, demonstrations and opportunities to meet resident makers and try new textile skills from weave to knit to embroidery and maybe buy some products too!
Jacky Puzey Embroidery Ltd, an embroidery artist specialising in bespoke luxury commissions will exhibit her embroidery works and samples from commercial to residential commissions. Visitors will be able to talk to Jacky about her process, her work, her love of bespoke embroidery and textile art. Jacky will also be demonstrating her work on her state of the art ZSK digital embroidery machines. She will have some of
her bespoke embroidered cushions, each made as a custom one-off piece, and artworks, available for purchase on the day.
Southwest Fibreshed, an organisation committed to building regenerative textile practices, will be showing their film and showcasing their work building a community of fibre and dye growers, processors, makers and manufacturers across the South West, to start a conversation about how we can produce more home-grown textiles and garments in a more healthy, resilient and regenerative textile ecosystem. You will also be able to explore the SWEF sourcebook.
UpstarterIncubator, specialists in creative business development, will be opening their studio to showcase their fascinating collaborative creative business development process. As part of their Open Day, Upstarter will run a short free workshop about putting your purpose and values into small creative businesses; “Designing a business with values at heart 2:30-3:30pm”. Get in touch with Upstarter to book your spot!
To get involved:
- Visit us! Between 11am-4pm on Saturday 30th September at the Bristol Textile Quarter building, 1a Barton Road, Bristol BS2 0LF.
- Contact the organisers for more information, images and to arrange interviews, visits and press:
Bristol Textile Quarter hello@bristoltextilequarter.co.uk 07977 538093
Jacky Puzey Embroidery Ltd jacky@jackypuzey.com 07733054253
- Contact specific organisations to get workshop bookings and workshop schedule information.
Bristol Textile Quarter hello@bristoltextilequarter.co.uk
UpstarterIncubator gill@upstarterincubator.com
- Follow us on the socials if you can’t get there in person:
@jackypuzey @upstarterincubator @bristoltextilequarter @bristol_weaving @southwestenglandfibreshed @amberhards @riaburnsknit @perosa_design @thebettysilk @Justine_D_K @ulteriormotifs @rebelpatch @eve.harker.art @ruthgroundwaterdesigns @rheanna.tara @dashandmiller @bumbleandbeetle
- Organisation websites
Please note that some of the studios are located on the first floor. Access is via staircase only. Due the age and layout of the building, it has not been possible to make reasonable access adjustments.
There is level access to BTQ studio, but all other studios involve the use of steps or staircases. We apologise in advance for any inconvenience.